Oceanside Personal Injury Attorney | Get A Free Case Review‎
No matter what legal matter you have, your main priority should find an exceptional Oceanside personal injury attorney who can provide the counsel and representation that you need. Call at 619-236-9696 to discuss your case.
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Oceanside Personal Injury Attorney

“I’ll see you in a little bit.”

We all say those words often. Sometimes on a daily basis to the ones we love. Usually, we always do see the people we love just a little bit later, whether it is after work or after a quick trip to the grocery store. Unfortunately, sometimes we get a phone call telling us that our loved one has been injured in an accident.

If this has happened to you, you need to know where to turn to secure the compensation you need for all accident-related expenses. At the Simpson Law Group, we recognize that there are many expenses that go beyond medical bills after an accident.

When you need an personal injury attorney, our team is ready to help.

How They Happen

Trying to make a list of all the ways personal injuries occur due to other people’s negligence is hard to do. Here, we will talk about some of the more common ways personal injuries are sustained, but this is not a complete picture. Please speak with one of our qualified attorneys concerning your case.

  • Vehicle Accidents: When you hit the road, you are vulnerable to reckless and careless drivers. This includes drunk drivers who were responsible for 27% of all traffic-related deaths during the state’s latest reporting year. It also includes distracted drivers who pay more attention to their phone screens than the road. We also want to note that accidents involving commercial vehicles maybe caused due to vehicle failure. In these cases, a company may be at fault for failing to maintain the vehicle.
  • Pedestrian and Bicycle Accidents: Pedestrians and bicyclists are the most vulnerable groups in and around the roadway because they have no protection from the force of a vehicle that weighs thousands of pounds. They are subjected to the same reckless driving behavior as passenger drivers, but they suffer far worse injuries more often.
  • Workplace Incidents: The workplace is dangerous. The BLS tells us that there were over 2.8 nonfatal workplace injuries or illnesses last year. If your claim is denied by workers’ compensation insurance or if you are fired for reporting your injury, you may be eligible for compensation.
  • Premises Incidents: Many people get hurt on another person’s property because of a property owner’s failure to maintain a safe environment. This can include not maintaining floor ways, not storing chemicals properly or creating unsafe store displays. It can also include no providing adequate security for patrons.

What To Do Now

At the Simpson Law Group, we are ready to help. We know that you and your loved ones are struggling with how to move forward, especially as bills begin to pile up. We do not think it is fair for you to be in financial jeopardy because of someone else’s mistakes.

Our qualified and experienced team is ready to step in and fight for you so you receive the compensation you deserve. We will work to secure coverage for medical expenses, lost income, and more. If you need an Oceanside personal injury attorney, you can contact us by clicking here or calling 619-236-9696 for a free consultation.

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