Thousands of people each year are injured, sometimes significantly so, by dangerous products that come to market. While we have laws that are in place to protect consumers from harmful products, sometimes products slip through and serious injuries result. This is due largely to companies who are careless in bringing their products to fruition, whether it’s a home appliance, a beauty product, a car, or a medical device. If you or a loved one has been harmed by a dangerous product, you may be able to collect compensation from the manufacturer or seller of the product. An defective product lawyer can review your case and help you proceed with your claim.
When you buy a product from the shelf at your local store, pick up a prescription at the pharmacy, or pull out in a new car from your local dealership, you have the right as a consumer to expect that all due diligence was performed in the design and manufacture of the product you purchase. In other words, you are justified in assuming that the product works as expect, and at the very least, will cause you no harm in using it. However, this is not always the case. It is the job of your Oceanside product liability attorney to determine who is responsible when harmful products make it into the hands of unsuspecting consumers – and to hold those responsible parties accountable for losses that occur.
Determining fault in a liability claim generally requires tracing the source of the problem to its root. As an injured party, you can seek to recover damages in your claim against a manufacturer or seller of a faulty product, including:
More often than not, product liability claims fall under one of three categories: design defects, marketing or advertising defects, or manufacturing defects. For instance, if a company designs an appliance that has a defect that eventually causes an injury, then this is a design defect. If the defect lies in the way that the product was marketed, then it is a marketing or advertising defect. For example, failing to warn users of a drug of the full side effects of the drug. A manufacturing defect occurs when the company manufacturing the product allows a flaw to slip through. This is oftentimes seen in recalls for automobiles with design flaws causing major accidents down the road.
Simpson Law Group strives to help our clients fight back against companies that produce and sell dangerous products. Schedule a free consultation with our Oceanside product liability attorney to discuss the specifics of your case and determine which course is best moving forward.