Posted By Simpson Law Group LLP Trial Attorneys Posted in:Car Accident
How do you get a car accident police report online? The ability to obtain a car accident police report online really varies region to region. Some city police departments make available online report numbers. In some police departments, you can submit a request online for your report.
For some, they may require that you show up in person. They may quest that you appear on a particular day in the week in order to request the report. On average, though, you’ll be asked to submit a report request form. You can submit it online or by mail, depending on where you live. Sometimes it can be hard to even know who to contact. If you’re trying to get the record for an accident that happened in a city or town, you should contact the municipal police department. The Sheriff’s Department or the State Highway Patrol would be your best bet for accidents that happened outside of town.
There are occasions when the police station takes longer than usual to prepare a police report. In instances when I’ve seen clients trying to obtain the police report themselves, they can get very frustrated. However, when clients sign up with us, we’ll take over that task of getting the police report. We’ll follow up.
Even if the police station is taking longer than usual to prepare the report, whether there was significant damage to the vehicles or to individuals involved in the accident, our office will continue to follow up. We follow up to make sure that as soon as the traffic accident report is available, we obtain a copy for our clients.
If you’ve been in a car accident, call us. At Simpson Law Group, our experienced team of car accident attorneys in San Diego can help you get the best result for your case.