How Much is a Wrongful Death Lawsuit worth?
You’re dealing with a wrongful death case, contact us at Simpson Law Group. Our experienced San Diego wrongful death attorneys can help you get the compensation that you deserve.
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How Much is a Wrongful Death Lawsuit worth?

Posted By Simpson Law Group LLP Trial Attorneys Posted in:Wrongful Death

August 5 2017

How much is a wrongful death lawsuit worth? A wrongful death suit can be worth anywhere from $50,000 or $100,000 on the low side, to $50 million to $100 million on the high side. The reason it depends or varies is that it depends on who died and what they were providing.

If you’re going to hire a lawyer to figure out what the value of wrongful death case is, you want somebody who’s been around the block and knows what the different components are, knows what the jury instructions entirely too, know what the law entitles you to recover. Somebody who knows how to go out and talk to witnesses, family, friends, neighbors who can give you evidence, information about what was their relationship like. Someone who will talk to an economist or the employer about what kind of financial backing were they supplied. And that’s just the beginning. Do you have questions such as how secure was their job? Will they guarantee this paycheck? How long were they going to continue working? What was their health like?

There are so many issues that you need to focus on that you don’t want a beginner handling a wrongful death case. If you’re dealing with a wrongful death case, contact us at Simpson Law Group. Our experienced wrongful death attorneys can help you get the compensation that you deserve.

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