What is a Traumatic Brain Injury? | Simpson Law Group
Have you or a loved one has suffered from a TBI? You can seek out help to pursue your claims to make sure that you receive fair and full compensation. You can call our brain injury attorneys at Simpson Law Group will be happy to help.
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What is a TBI?

Posted By Simpson Law Group LLP Trial Attorneys Posted in:Brain Injury

November 11 2017

What is a TBI? A TBI is traumatic brain injury, and there can different severity levels to a TBI. The Glasgow Coma Score is actually one of the best ways to tell them what the severity of your TBI is. If you are curious to learn more about the scoring is determined, you can read about it here.

In addition, another way to diagnose a TBI is to have imaging done of the brain. This scenario would include a doctor who would perform the imaging and tell you if they see any significant defects in an image.

However, you can also have a traumatic brain injury diagnosed by having testing done. For example, you can have cognitive testing done through a neuropsychologist department. And, they’ll also be able to tell you whether or not you’re functioning at a normal level, or if you are suffering from a traumatic brain injury.

Have you or a loved one have suffered from a TBI? You can seek out help to pursue your claims to make sure that you receive fair and full compensation. You can call us here at the Simpson Law Group. We will be happy to help.

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