Do I Need a Lawyer for a Car Accident?
You’ve been in a car accident, contact us at Simpson Law Group. Our experienced car accident attorneys can help ensure that you are taken care of.
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Do I Need a Lawyer for a Car Accident?

Posted By Simpson Law Group LLP Trial Attorneys Posted in:Car Accident

September 8 2017

Whether or not you need an attorney for a car accident depends on the severity of the accident. I would say if it’s minor damage to a vehicle, or mainly a property damage claim, that’s usually something you can handle on your own. Now, sometimes there is a type of claim does go above and beyond your skill level or it gets frustrating. Or, you’re given the runaround by an insurance company. In that case, I would advise you to seek out an attorney. If there are injuries involved, especially broken bones or anything that required a hospital stay, it’s best to consult with a trial attorney.

You should also consult with a trial attorney if you aren’t sure about your rights or the terms of your insurance policy. If you feel that an insurer may be treating you unfairly, or if it seems that your accident report has misattributed fault, you should absolutely consult an attorney. In these circumstances, even though no one is physically injured, you’re at risk of being hurt, financially and otherwise, by unfair business practices.

It’s important to seek out a trial attorney because they know the questions to ask. They know the right people to depose. They know how to prepare your case for the endgame, which is a trial. Many attorneys are just looking to reach a settlement, but the right one will know better than that. We are at a day and age where insurance companies fight, and they fight hard. An experienced San Diego auto crash attorney knows the game. They know how to fight back, and they’ll fight back for you for the best result possible.

If you’ve been in a car accident, contact us at Simpson Law Group. Our experienced attorneys can help ensure that you are taken care of.

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