Why Are Birthing Complications On The Rise? | Simpson Law Group
Birthing complications affect both the baby and the mother and need to be taken seriously. When you need a birth injury attorney in San Diego, you can count on the Simpson Law Group to investigate your case.
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Why Are Birthing Complications On The Rise?

Posted By Simpson Law Group LLP Trial Attorneys Posted in:Birth Injury

September 29 2018

Having a child is supposed to be one of the greatest moments of your life, but when mistakes are made during childbirth, it can be devastating.

We do not like to hear that there is a rise of women experiencing serious complications while giving birth in the US. A report released by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality says that the rate of serious complications rose by 45 percent from 2006 and 2015.

The worst part?

The worst outcomes tend to happen to low-income and minority women.

Many of the complications revolve around rates of sepsis at delivery, acute renal failure, and shock. Is it any wonder that the US is the most dangerous place in the developed world to give birth?

Birthing complications affect both the baby and the mother and need to be taken seriously. When you need a birth injury attorney in San Diego, you can count on the Simpson Law Group to investigate your case and be by your side.

What Can Happen

You may not think about birth injuries often, but if you are about to have a child, you know that there are risks that come with childbirth. While some of the complications that can happen are natural parts of childbirth, there are times when a medical professional makes a mistake.

Whether it is because a doctor or nurse use a tool or instrument incorrectly or fail to recognize when something is going wrong, all of the following are possible complications:

  • Bone fractures (collarbone, skull, arms, legs)
  • Meconium aspiration
  • Fetal oxygen deprivation
  • Brain bleeds
  • Nerve damage

These injuries can lead to brain damage, cerebral palsy, learning disabilities, paralysis, or even death.

Complications For The Mother

There are more than 50,000 mothers suffering from severe childbirth injuries in the US, many of which can be prevented. According to that USA Today article, over half of the deaths and injuries that mothers experience during childbirth could have been prevented with better medical care.

If an injury can be prevented, it means that someone erred along the way.

Medical mistakes are the third leading cause of death in the United States, and there are no mistakes more tragic than birth injuries. When healthcare professionals mess up during the birthing process, they are affecting two lives – the baby and the mother.

What You Can Do

We know this is a difficult time for you. If you or a loved one have experienced a birth injury, then you need to seek legal assistance. If someone else’s negligence has caused a child or mother harm during childbirth, then they should be held accountable.

If you need a San Diego birth injury attorney, the Simpson Law Group is here to help. Let our team get to work for you. We want to make sure you are compensated for all of your accident-related expenses, from medical costs to pain and suffering damages. For a free consultation of your case, you can contact us by clicking here or calling 619-236-9696.

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